Need housing now? Visit this website if you are in need of emergency shelter.
Your Housing Journey
SCPO offers an exceptional opportunity to make sure that, as your freedoms are reinstated, you can receive the support you need to keep them. Housing is the foundation of those freedoms, and we do everything we can to secure housing permanence.
Be sure to check out SCPO’s supportive programs, which are available in tandem with housing.
Individuals participating in SCPO programming find overwhelming success by starting at Jennifer House or Nielsen House before moving on to permanent housing.
First Stop: Emergency and Transitional Housing at Jennifer House or Nielsen House
Emergency Housing, which meets the immediate needs of those who are homeless, is followed directly by Transitional Housing in the same setting. Other than some changing goals and priorities, participants will be able to enjoy remaining in the same environment where they’ve already begun to achieve stability and readiness for permanent housing.
Jennifer House
Nielsen House
Second Stop: Permanent Housing
Rapid Rehousing
Rapid re-housing rapidly connects families and individuals experiencing homelessness to permanent housing through a tailored package of assistance that may include the use of time-limited financial assistance and targeted supportive services.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
Housing assistance and supportive services are provided to assist households with at least one member (adult or child) with a disability in achieving housing stability.*
Communities with SCPO programming:
Other Housing and Referrals
to Meet Unique Needs
Outside of SCPO housing programs, SCPO will help Jennifer and Nielsen House residents find permanent housing options that meet their unique needs. In the past, this has included independent housing, moving in with family or loved ones, or attaining a higher level of care.