Introducing Kevin, SCPO’s Housing Administrator
SCPO recently welcomed a new team member, Kevin Lewis. From day one, Kevin has been clear about their dedication to the mission, offering insight, fresh perspectives, and lots of laughs. We’re so happy to welcome Kevin, and asked them to answer a few questions. Welcome, Kevin!
Kevin with Plant, 2024
Kevin at Nielsen House, complete with a welcome-to-the-team plant
Name and Title
Kevin Lewis (He/They), Housing Administrator
Role Description
I manage the more back-end portion of the admin team. I look to collect a majority of the documents from Case Managers and make sure that those docs (and their info) are organized, presentable, and easy to follow. I also handle our recertification process, which ensures that all residents are given proper subsidies, and that our own records are kept to reflect that.
Fun Fact
I've traveled to most of the states on the east coast, but I am looking to make it to all 50 states one day!
Professional Background
BS, Intelligence Studies [what is that? find out here!: Intelligence Studies at Mercyhurst]
A Warm Welcome
Rico welcomes Kevin with a lecture on professionalism
Personal Interests
I am big into reading, video games, and petting my cat Milo! When I'm not at home I try to hike, play random sports, or hang with friends.
Closing Line (“with Personality”)
-Milo (Kevin’s cat, circa 2024)